The ultimate destination for entrepreneurship in Northeast India

How to associate with GBP

Guwahati Biotech Park Incubation Centre (GBPIC) equipped with state-of-art facilities for promoting business and industry oriented R&D in Biotechnology and related areas invites proposals for lease of its ready to use modular laboratories to Entrepreneurs/Firms/Societies/Partnership/Companies/Scientists/Students interested in pursuing R&D in Biotechnology and related areas. Individual/entities interested in joining as in-house incubatees are required to submit their Research Proposals for ready to use modular laboratory space. For details please click – Application Format .

For other terms and conditions please refer – Information for submission of Research Proposal, Supporting Information (Annexure A, Annexure B, Annexure C, Annexure D, Annexure E, Annexure F)

Entrepreneurs/Firms/Societies/Partnership/Companies/Scientists/Students with a great commercialisable idea which requires further R&D in Biotechnology and related areas and interested in joining as in-house incubatees are required to submit their Research Proposals for ready to use modular laboratory space. The proposals would be selected based on their innovation merit, sustainability and marketability of the product/ service.

The proposal should incude the folliwng informations:

  • Requirement of space, period of lease and likely timeframe for occupation
  • Broad business plan (inclusive of the instruments required)
  • Brief description of activities and operations of promoter institutions/ companies/ including annual report/balance sheet etc.
  • Means of funding
  • Number of staff likely to be positioned at the R & D centre
  • Major R & D facilities to be installed
  • Effluents that are likely to be generated with reference to quality and quantity, and their handling, bio-risks, gene containment facilities (if relevant) and commitment of compliance within the rule of the law, especially that of the state regulatory authorities

For other terms and conditions please refer – Information for submission of Research Proposal, Supporting Information (Annexure A, Annexure B, Annexure C, Annexure D, Annexure E, Annexure F). The proposal should be submitted at the following address

The Chief Executive Officer
Guwahati Biotech Park
Technology Incubation Centre

The Park will ensure and assure its clients of confidentiality and security in relation to data and material provided by the client and the results of contractual work carried out on behalf of them.




Incubation Centre